Sunday 12 December 2010


you sit there, alone.
head resting against the window
eyes closed, mouth still.

i stride past, and look up
out of curiosity
and see you there, oblivious.

first i greet you, loudly
i wave my arms, jump around
smile; surely, you'll see me.

yet you stay unmoved,
gently breathing, clouds appearing
on the clear glass.

slightly frustrated, unnerved by your
pale, drowning expression
i can't leave you like this.

rough fists banging against the smooth
my face falls
i need you to see me.

people are staring
but don't you see? i don't care
its just you and me.

finally, softly, i murmur your name.
your eyelids flicker, lips part slightly
then the train moves away

i am left standing
head remains searching for your gaze
a recognition
like you know that i'm still here.

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