Friday 8 July 2011

lament to love.

oh, love!
consume me
such a time has passed
my mind, a soundless void
i am lost without you
no drive, ambition
no dreams to strive for
i wander along a path
calling your name
my being, soul in itself
so meaningless, existence
here i am
there is nothing i am worth
should i lack you in my heart
this path, once moonlight silver
a mirror, water's edge
my soles caressed the surface
single roses drifting
towards that inky blue
now, each petal sinking
whilst i travel, no companion
alone, always searching
clawing in the dark
strike me, if you must
just to know your presence near
mere corpse, hence my stillness
without your gushing blood to fill
writhe in my gaping wounds, do not hide!
i crave your presence at my side
save me, while your mercy shines
for life is but, an empty ocean
without love to swell the tide.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

centre of the sun.

a mother sits
at the centre of the sun
the taste of bread
texture of silk
sound of rain, lost to her
the only darkness found
in the depths of her gaze

she cradles her child
so still, he rests
small head on her chest
one hand holds him tightly
the other clenched in his hair
so still, never cries
neither dead nor alive
his heartbeat fading
she clings to the lie

the heat rages
clear flames are relentless
burning in the skies
scalding blanket softly smothers
dry ground; it aches with thirst
as the boy is gently prised
from a slowly dying grasp

the mother holds on
not scorching heat
not the anger of the storm
not the men that ate her flesh
nor the women filled with scorn
will take her child away

the flickering breeze
carried the whispers
of her sentence
inevitably damned
but the dream of her smiling boy
could never be taken
never stolen
despite the world
with all its difference
and all its charm

she waited
child in arms
at the centre of the crowd
for the first stone
piece of rock to be thrown
let them come.