Tuesday 8 November 2011

a woman.

I need a woman, so badly.
I need a woman, with wild curly hair
Eyes that shine at every surprise
And wink when she’s done something
unspeakably dirty
With soft, smooth skin, and freckles
I can trace all over her body
Full of curves and contours
And scars and rhymes
Fingers, long and slender
Strong arms, luscious legs
To pin me down with
Bold cleavage showing,
I’ll kiss her tender neck
Leave my mark, taste her scent
Inhale her beauty, the air I breathe
She’ll make me laugh,
when no-one else can
She’ll hold the keys to my mind
In the palm of her hand
I’ll chase her, form and spirit
Through waves, across the sand
Her charm will seduce me
Capture me, never let me go
She’ll smile, the world will stop turning
And I’ll smile
Her lips, such soft silk
Beneath mine, so yearning
I’ll drown in her gaze
Immerse myself in her voice
As she whispers, talks, giggles and screams
Passionate, a child
To be cared for and loved,
as wild as her hair
She’ll fall, I’ll catch her
She’ll hold me, I’ll cry
She’ll reach for the sky
And gently touch the stars
Her touch, leaves me gasping
Aching for more, for her
She drives me, spinning
Into worlds so high, so breathless
I could never adore
Anyone but her, love her more than
Life itself, for life is her
She is the best of me, the brightest of me
The happiest of me, and I her.

I need a woman, so badly.
Right now.


Anonymous said...

saaaame :'(

Anonymous said...

that was sniff sniff amazing :'(