Friday 16 May 2014


Can't sleep
Can't sleep
Can't sleep

Heart is ticking
Mind, beating
Veins, pulsing
With life, adrenalin


Boom boom boom
Thought after thought after
Endless noise
My own voice
Marching, drumming
Echoing round and round and

Won't stop
It won't stop
Pace quickens and
Breathing faster and
Palms unclean, sticky, sweaty

Always guilty
Always guilty
Need to fight it
Must control it

Push me that way
Pull me this way,
Someone's shaking my cage

Let me out.

Thursday 8 May 2014


The sky shimmers before me
An ever-moving surface, ripples and
Blades of white and blue
Through the gentle, curving arms
Bark and leaves above
Greening in the sunlight

The rain has passed,
I could move, but
I'm paralysed in place
All sound has gone,
It's peaceful

I wonder how cool and 
Quieter still, beneath the surface
It could be,
I wonder, if I never moved
From this spot again

No one would notice
Until darkness later
But the voices would fade,
My heart would stop hammering
In my chest, the pain would calm
I'd stop shaking,
Tears would never fall again
All the worry, the weight
Would cease to be
It'd melt into the ground
Through my feet, cementing me in place
Rooted, but free
The breeze again my skin, stone white
Mind encased, words faltering
Preventing me from causing anyone
Any hurt again.

Silence in my head and heart
I'd fall quietly from the world
It'd be a far better place
If I stayed here in this place.


I have never been more disgusted
At myself, my very being
I want to rip all of my skin off
Tear every strand of hair from everything
I am loathsome

I try so hard to be a good person
Maybe thats because, really
If I'm honest with myself
I'm the shittest excuse of a person
That ever lived.

I don't deserve, anything
I'm a disgrace.

Saturday 3 May 2014

half a wordsmith.

Frozen by inadequacy,
I can't move.
Don't think I deserve to.

Words like knives
Fall from my mouth
They hurt her, and 
I can't seem to stop them

A person like that
Should be broken in two
The sincerity of my apology
Lost because,
I've uttered it so many times
Yet I can't seem to stop them

I don't deserve her,
I should be locked in a room
Alone, so that my words
Can only hurt me
As they do now

I use to pride myself
On being a wordsmith,
A lover of the written and spoken
But I am a sham, a waste
How can I be anything worth
When my words carve hatred,
Breed hostility, mean nothing anymore

I don't deserve her.
I never wanted to hurt her.
I should go.