Thursday 26 November 2015

from the inside, out.

I'm not sure I know how to do this anymore
I think, I've pushed it down far enough

That now, even when I lie still
Blank space before me
I snatch at words, but I can't grasp them
I lose sight of meaning
Realising, maybe, that it was never there

Feelings are numbed
A leper; parts of me thrown aside
Infected, discarded
I don't know what's left
Too scared to look down

Fleeting moments of bright light
And piercing clarity, and then -
Your voices have crept up behind me
I am lost again

How can one form a sentence
Speak, and be heard
Think, dream, believe in anything
When they're fading
Ceasing to be
From the inside, out

How can one offer anything of themselves
When there's simply nothing left to give
Suppressed to the point of suffocation
Although, I guess
It was all worthless anyway

I need someone to reach under
Pull me out of this place
But even if I could make a noise
Piece a phrase together 
No one should hear me

It is easier to linger here
And save them the trouble
Or avoid the risk of 
Pulling them down with me

It is dark and quiet here
And I am waiting 
And I am nothing


Thursday 20 August 2015


I used to feel them both moving,
Creaking, caps of bone
Edging closer towards 
- pain, blinding pain 
One slip, a fatal twist and - 

It's surprising how much agony
A dislocated piece of you 
Can cause, that scream-inducing
Roaring flash of red 

Followed swiftly by tidal wave
Of sickly nausea, as you sense
   Not quite in th
     e right place 

Your body becomes 
A ticking clock, but the hands 
Are bent inwards, scratching
The polished surface 
As they travel round 
Screeching against resistance
Slowed, and time shifts
Out of sync with the world

And so you cease to function
As you should - who are you?
A flawed human being, therefore -
More human than the rest? 

But the pain, endurable 
The dislodged lump of cartlige
Slowly slides back into place
No, there comes more 
The worst, the very worst

The very thought that this 
Is going to repeat 
Your tendons, stretched elastic
Useless against the fall
Faith in the limbs that held you
Gone, shattered -

As he reached in,
Pulled me apart
With handfuls of muscle and
Bloody sinew, he tied me
Back together, functioning,
Flawless scars present 
A surgical shoelace, glued
With sharp metal screws
Back on your feet, 
There you go

And now I build 
Claw back that trust again 
Held together, yet still
My trust wavers 
Bones assembled like a 
Jenga tower in bags of skin 

I am uncertain 
Body, mind and soul resting
On those futile caps of 
Calcium, crumbling 
Waiting for that fatal slip - 

Saturday 8 August 2015

the painters are in.

Blood comes
Red splashed on white
A surprise once,
I never expected 
The unexpected again
But here it is, red
Thick, heavy
Unflinching, red

I stare
A week late, I figured
It might never come
Hoped, it might have realised 
It wasn't supposed to be 

Always an abstract,
No meaning, of little consequence
Besides a little 
Now, unlike that regular beat
Usually maintained, undisturbed

My heart sinks

Here it is
Unflinching, red
Red splashed on white
Resisting the inevitable is
Futile, but I can't help thinking,
Sooner than most
Maybe it'll move on
Decide that it's good for
Nothing here, in this body
That doesn't belong

A crimson smudge of
Womanhood, motherhood
Rites of passages that 
I no longer claim
Take it, take it, please
It brings, not a routine comfort
A smear of identity, no,

A sticky, hot reminder
Of who I no longer am
A place I can't return to
A void I have yet to fill
I am stained with 
Indignity, falsity 
And there's nothing I can do

But wait 
As the blood runs, red
Until it runs dry
And I can put the pieces
Back together again.

Thursday 9 April 2015


My blood is boiling
I'm dragging nails against
Dry, broken skin just to avoid
Screaming and screaming and
Wishing I could somehow just

But that would be too easy.

Suppress it,
Push it down, down
Drown them out
Find my voice again

My voice 
I don't know where it is
What it sounds like
Just constant shouting
All I hear is
You're a disgrace,
They all know it
They all see it
Louder, louder
Mounting rage
Shaking shaking

Push it down
Smile, for fucks sake
Smile and breathe

Up and down 
Up and down
Every day
Rising, falling
Rib cage expanding
Air out, emotions in
Deep and buried
Push them down
Right down

Where I can't see them
Can no longer hear them
Just for a bit
For a second
Let me rest
Let me breathe

Red, hot rage, when I open my eyes
When they fall, closed again
Exhausted in the early hours
Forcing its way up my throat 
Like sticky, swelling bile
Where else can it go
I want to let it out but

I can't bear the pain
Of being torn to pieces again.

Wednesday 25 February 2015


You know what annoys me?

The fact that I spent

trying to gain the approval
of your family,
smiling at jokes that weren't funny
obeying their rules
complying with their customs
filling in the 'best friend' slot
as adequately as I could
even though it hurt me so much
i had to bury my love for you
reserve it for those few moments
when we were truly alone
whisper sweet nothings into your ear
not just at night -
all fucking day
'shush, they'll hear you'

and now,
he just waltzes in, of course
striding into your life
into that place in your heart
that once belonged to me
and they bow to him
because he is right,
because he fits

not because he is a good person
(despite the fact he is)
but because he is a man.

i was your dirty little secret
and he's the badge you wear
with happiness and pride
the man on your arm
they love him to pieces

i don't begrudge him that
he's wonderful, he'll make you happy
loved, so he should be

but it feels like
a drop-kick in the chest
knowing that they love him
and see in all that splendour
how good he is for you
when, despite all my best efforts
they never got to see how good I was
or love me that much
in that way
for making you my world
i was never accepted
and after so little time
he's a keeper without trial.

Friday 30 January 2015


You've changed,
Both of you.

Sinister, you slide into
Conversations, every day
Situations, alive
You're fighting to be conscious
To be heard.

She can always hear you,
Louder louder louder
Sly and quick,
Snatching that last word

One, grows deeper
Groaning, crunching gravel
Bone is wearing away
You will be free
You won't be tamed
You will violate
Dark stubble grates

The other, ceaseless
A spring in your step
You aggravate
Wind her up and up
Then, snap
Elastic torn, springs back
Steady face of trust
Efforts, wasted
Bridges torched in haste

And your wicked grin
Coarse tones, scratching whispers
Dirty fingernails
Picking, picking
At her skin,
That frail border between
Mind and matter
Madness, love
Twisting boundaries out of shape

She can't make sense of things
The familiar, lost
Subdued under brittle voices
No longer company
You've slipped into a minor key
And the melody is fading
Certainty, fading
Sanity, fading
She's gone.

Friday 2 January 2015

leelah alcorn.

suits and ties
how time flies
my mother cries.

essential, for
how do I stress
the absolute importance
of both, in this world

that demands normality
and conformity of us
when, these children inside
are screaming just to
be themselves

blue shirts, dresses in pink
blood stains a kitchen sink
generations on the brink

let us be who we are
we mean no harm
tell me, in what way
do our appearances
threaten the balance
of society's composure

shouldn't you be more concerned by
the choices we make
our character traits
our mental states
your fear is showing
too little, too late

for those, in their truest forms
trying to stand tall,
thrown to the floor
shunned and ignored
now, no more.

no more.

try and understand,
we all reside on a spectrum
a shining variety
striving for equality
a chorus of
'why can't you just accept me'
just listen.

let us be who we are
celebrate our beating hearts
before you drive us all to harm,
force our hearts to calm

keep discriminating difference
and there will be
no one