Thursday, 20 August 2015


I used to feel them both moving,
Creaking, caps of bone
Edging closer towards 
- pain, blinding pain 
One slip, a fatal twist and - 

It's surprising how much agony
A dislocated piece of you 
Can cause, that scream-inducing
Roaring flash of red 

Followed swiftly by tidal wave
Of sickly nausea, as you sense
   Not quite in th
     e right place 

Your body becomes 
A ticking clock, but the hands 
Are bent inwards, scratching
The polished surface 
As they travel round 
Screeching against resistance
Slowed, and time shifts
Out of sync with the world

And so you cease to function
As you should - who are you?
A flawed human being, therefore -
More human than the rest? 

But the pain, endurable 
The dislodged lump of cartlige
Slowly slides back into place
No, there comes more 
The worst, the very worst

The very thought that this 
Is going to repeat 
Your tendons, stretched elastic
Useless against the fall
Faith in the limbs that held you
Gone, shattered -

As he reached in,
Pulled me apart
With handfuls of muscle and
Bloody sinew, he tied me
Back together, functioning,
Flawless scars present 
A surgical shoelace, glued
With sharp metal screws
Back on your feet, 
There you go

And now I build 
Claw back that trust again 
Held together, yet still
My trust wavers 
Bones assembled like a 
Jenga tower in bags of skin 

I am uncertain 
Body, mind and soul resting
On those futile caps of 
Calcium, crumbling 
Waiting for that fatal slip - 

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