Saturday 9 October 2010

english revision ... yes, really.

my footsteps hit the rotten ground in perfect rhythm with the sound of my own breathing. like a simple composition, two instruments connecting with eachother, conducted by the continuous beat of my heart. the constant drumming song echoing in my empty soul.
    i feel nothing. the endorphins shy away; exhaustion has been and gone. i am past the point of stopping. my surroundings bore me; i can barely make out anything in the thick, unpenetrable darkness. even the stars have left me to my thoughts, yet for once in my life i wish they could save me. from what? my goading conscience? memories best forgotten? there's no use wanting to be saved from the past. i cannot hide, i cannot linger; i'm not brave enough to face the truth. which is why i'm running. my actions have consequences, they will never stop chasing me. like the hounds on a bloodthirsty hunt for the weak, lone fox. i have no choice: i must run.
    my arms swing with purpose at my sides. my hands are clenched into fists as if tight ropes bound them in restraint. i bite my lip to numb the pain, resulting in the metallic taste of blood dripping onto my tongue. i fiercly fight back the tears: blink, gulp, blink, gulp. crying is useless, for it simply slows me down. i must keep going. only death can catch me now.

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