Tuesday 21 December 2010

i have a second friend ...

i have friend who, despite being a devoted pessimist, shares his rare optimism and caring nature with everyone around him, stranger or companion. he has a pure talent for grasping difficult conecpts and facing new challenges, helped with an endless knowledge of things you wished you knew but didn't. he strives to do his best in everything he does, but is not obsessed with perfection. always honest to the heart, he accepts people for who they are and has no shame in who he is - which are qualities that very few people attain in a lifetime.


Do I need an interesting display name? said...

it sounds vein when ever you think its about you (me)
especially when you ask


so who is it? well if not me, I want to know they sound awesome

and define pessimist, cba to froogle the definition.

froogle sound like a frog wearing goggles XD

Al said...

sorry, its not about you, but change a few words around and it could be :)

pessimist, opposite of an optimist, thinks the glass is half empty, not half full.

Do I need an interesting display name? said...

who is it tho?
that what i also asked

Al said...

i can't tell you that, it would completely defeat the purpose of the post :')you could always guess, you do know them ...