Saturday 15 January 2011

faces behind the glass.

i dream of faces. faces behind the glass.
peering through the window, faces from my past.
faces i'd left behind, gotten over, pushed away.
now i can't help but think, perhaps they're here to stay.

i turn once and see him staring
i turn again and gaze into darkness
just a shadow, pale silvers and greys
curved black lips
and eyes.

a deep crimson, filled with malice,
malevolence and desire,
i struggle to look away, for he is still,
but his stare is wild
i crave it.

sometimes he's laughing
sometimes he's screaming
mostly he's glaring
rarely does he flinch
if i linger for more than i should
i fear he might
tilt his head to one side,
lean forwards through the glass
and whisper my name.

temptation is strong
for as much as the terror paralyses my limbs
i longed for the intoxication
of his piercing gaze
to allow the adrenalin to
poison my bloodstream
and fling me into the complete control
of the faces,
many faces
behind the glass.

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