Tuesday 17 December 2013

i know nothing.

I know nothing of war,
I know nothing of pain,
I know nothing of starvation,
Of disease, of abuse
Torture, suffering
Mental illness
Neglect, poverty, exploitation
I don't even know anything of death.

So why do I hurt so much? I have no right.

How can I believe in God, in hope, in kindness, when that's all I've ever known, when I've never known the dark side?

Does my innocence, my privilege, make me weak? Weaker than most. Too weak, so that I buckle, and give in at every chance.

Do I deserve to help people, when I've never had to help myself? How can I tell anyone that it's going to be okay, when its not.

Every inch of my being screams,

Spineless. Senseless. Hopeless. Worthless. 


I know nothing.

I wish I had the courage
To get in the car
Buy the cheapest pack of cigarettes 
And a bottle of Koppaberg cider
From the corner shop
Drive up to the woods
And sit in the darkness
Feel the rain on my skin
The only light, the faint glow
Of streetlights reflected 
Upon the night sky, and the flame 
Of a lighter, a cigarette end
Crushed into the forest floor
And close my eyes, 
Listen to the wind, feel the cold 
Through to my very bones
So I have no choice 
But to listen to my thoughts
No distractions, mind made clearer
With each passing gulp, swallow
No choice but to face
The pathetic excuse I am
And be free of it, 
For a few minutes, 
Walk away from myself
Let, me, fade away 
Like I never existed 
Like the mistakes I made
Never happened
Because I wasn't here to make them

Instead I just lie here again
Gathering dust
Paralysed by those mistakes I made
Because I made them
And there's nothing I can do to change them,
To change me.

Thursday 12 December 2013


what is this desire to be needed
it sucks me dry
consumes all my energy
to be there, all the time,
to be better than anyone else
at being there
because in my head its the only thing i'm good at

your trust is the one thing
i will treasure above all else
love takes a while to
sink in
but trust, now that's a gift
but when i fail you
as i often do
and a piece of that trust falls away
i fall away
guilt implodes inside and i am thrown
into nothingness
my purpose has gone
i'm not worth the air i inhale anymore

a mental illness, i sometimes think
this cloying paranoia
constantly needing
to be needed
to be that one person
you can rely on, always

but i just need it to stop for a moment

it hurts too much

its killing me
and its no-one's fault but mine

it doesn't make any sense
i know i'll never be first
and that's okay
but just give me a minute
i'm going round in circles

that pain is gaining round again
pushing through the queue
before all the people
that need me
someone stop it, please

these thoughts are trapped
i can't breathe
that air i don't deserve has truly disappeared
and so have my loved ones
and my purpose along with it

this desire to be needed
a disease, that paralyses
i'm a puppet on a string
that's all i am.