Tuesday 23 November 2010

love affair with the moon.

the moon was low in the sky tonight. i've never seen him like that before ... so huge and beautiful, as if he ruled both land and sky, balancing on the horizon amidst the darkness. i felt completely in awe of him. a silent awe, a respectful sense of .. wow.

i've always had a love affair with the moon. it must be so lonely up there, suspended in space, with only your own thoughts for amusement. he must stare endlessly at us,
watching each night as lights blink on and off,
and eyes close.

he is the end of the day, a peaceful reminder of rest.
a reassuring light when everything turns dark.

he is humble, no match against the overwhelming sun, but he doesn't mind. he sits there -
whole, half, cresent, quiet,

i feel safe when the moon shines, walking in the his silver rays.
i am protected from what i cannot see beside me.

and this evening, as his usual presence grew,
and maybe expressed a little of his exuberant side as he glowed a perfect gold,
i thanked him for his honesty, his patience. for listening to me from time to time.

for keeping me safe, never failing to be there, even when it appears that he had left,
and a shadow formed in his place.

so, here's to the moon. let me know if you ever need any company.

1 comment:

The Ignorant Music Lover. said...

k... this almost made me cry.
i hate you for this embarrassment...

love it.