Saturday 1 January 2011

my little boy.

bell rings
doors slammed open
feet charge through desolate corridors
end of a school term
inmates released early
a rare privilege
for the ones who know nothing about the world.

i am the last to leave
slouching past deserted classrooms
chairs left haphazardly, tables askew
my solitary footsteps echo
even the knowledgeable ones have fled,
alone, finally, a sigh of relief
the weight of driven learning
lifted for a short while.

descending the cold, stone staircase
i see him before i hear him
close-cropped blonde hair, pale skin
bright eyes, beautiful sapphire blue
he runs towards me, fiercly focused
on catching my attention
afraid of letting me out of his sight.

i reach the bottom step as he does
a claw scrapes my abdomen -
confusion? anticipation? fear?
arms oustretched, he cries out
i catch him as he falls
stand him back on his feet
with a sure, steady gaze
he smiles at me
a charmer; i smile back.

instantly, i fall in love with him
it chokes me, burns me
not yet ready to understand
a tiny hand on my cheek
i watch him speak a word i cannot define
then he is gone
lost to me.

i place my hand
in the shadow of his
and realise
i am crying.


TheWorm said...

I wish I could find even one word....

My Inflatable Rubber... Ducky. said...

How about an acronym and three?