Friday 31 May 2013

Have I really got to be worried 
About losing you?

Not now, please, not ever
I understand you're scared
I know you're hurting
But it isn't always like this
How can you forget about love
Precious, warm, trusting love
Look at the photos of the two of us
Being total idiots
Happy in eachother's company
At least I thought we were
Just like heaven, listen
Its even a Friday
Read the letters, both of them
How can you say that
You don't see the point in caring
All I want is you
I thought all you wanted was

I'm not giving up on you
Until you can convince me
That you're better off without me
This isn't me boasting
You said so yourself

I want you back in my arms again
I'm hoping this is just
Another storm we're riding
We'll be okay in the morning
Won't we?

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