Wednesday 20 April 2011

spilt milk.

thankyou for leaving
               you'll be glad to know
        that i spared you the sight
           of a swollen face
                     blotches erupting
                          sobs rising up a throat
                            the sound of gasping
                         as if air was not enough
                               to feed the sadness
                                 swelling in the cavity
                                    of a bound, hollow chest
                         nose dripping carelessly
                           eyes slowly etched with
                               deep rivers, bulging red
                         whilst tears; salty, hot
                      stain smooth dry palms
                         each sudden wave of
                             retching grief
                    limbs jerking, guttural groaning
                 the barest form of despair.
              i spared you.
      no-one should ever have to see this
          wretched body on the floor.
                          weeping over spilt milk
                                     and all that wasted time.

1 comment:

Arian Tejano said...

Raw pain. I must have read this three times.
You had me at this line: "i spared you the sight
of a swollen face"