Friday 17 September 2010

the end of one notebook, the beginning of a new one.

    i've had my notebook for four years. it took me a while to learn how to trust it, but after a few months it took to travelling with me everywhere. everything goes in the notebook: random thoughts, occasional pieces of homework, legendary quotes, whole episode dialogues from my favourite tv shows. and every once in a while, as i try (and usually fail) to understand something, an attempt at an actual piece of writing. something which i love doing, but definitely need to improve on!
   sadly, my beloved notebook is slowly coming to the end of its life, having been drowned by several glasses of water and ripped to pieces by various sharp objects in my bag. so, i thought, why not start a new notebook; one that can't be (affectionately) abused or worn over time?
   this is now the start of my blog, a 'new beginning' - trying not to sound too dramatic and cheesy here :)
    so here goes.

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