Wednesday 31 December 2014

black hole.

i am nothing
i cannot express it more simply than that
i am worth no time, no effort
nothing on your part

compliment, criticism,
they bounce, equally
like invalid cheques
for the account does not exist
i cannot accept either
for i am emptiness
i am vacancy
i am worthlessness
i am desolation

i am, even
that statement does not apply
these inhabited set of cells
useless, no function
they collide with lives
somewhere, guilt-ridden
no one deserves to be affected
by something of such little substance
i am sorry

sorry for my existence
the energy to care has left me
so why do i live anymore
why should i be substantial
what claim have i
to occupy space
to consume air

within this grey i reside
waiting, for absolution
for pardon
simply wasteful
of God's good earth
and infinite love
i deserve neither
for how can a vacuum
be deserving of any right

release me soon, i beg you
before this nothingness
begins to collapse
fold into itself
and drag others down
with it
let me go
let me fade
allow the empty
to cease existing

a flicker of sanity left
one hope
don't let me suck the life
from anyone else
let this end

Saturday 13 December 2014

too much.

Can’t breathe 
Can’t think 
Too close

Too deep
 Trapped in sheets 
So weak
So weak 
Memories bleak
 They won’t Leave
 Need to scream 
Can’t scream

Its killing me
 Too much for me

Too much for me

Sunday 23 November 2014


I'm so confused
and frustrated
I'm just being nice
I'm being a decent human being
giving you a compliment or two
showing you that
I always see the best in you

but no, it's too far
too many connotations
it's flirting
definitely flirting
she wants more
you want more
she wants you
what the fuck do you want
make your mind up
sort your life out
don't lead her astray
to places she'll regret
you'll regret
just stop
calm down
lay off
you're dragging her in
stop it
stop it now
you're hurting her
just leave.

just a compliment
i swear,
not charming,
not flirting,
not sweet-talking
i'm just
why isn't that
okay these days

why do we live
in such a shattered
broken glass society
we're all terrified
of cutting ourselves
snagging flesh
on the judgments of others
so afraid,
that a compliment
a gentle word
something that, somehow
draws a smile
suddenly that's too much
it means such a lot
and we magnify
and marinate
and swill it
round and round
until it expands with pressure

just accept it for what it was.
can't i just be nice anymore?

Thursday 13 November 2014

empty shell.

Do you ever just feel like
The weight, of everything,
Is crushing you
Right in front of people
As you walk, sit, talk
There's a darkness
Trying to stamp you out
Out of existence
Wrench you from this world
Drag you under
Until there's nothing left of you
Just an empty shell
And still, you'd keep on
Walking, sitting, talking
And no-one would know
No-one would know.

Sunday 2 November 2014

I am nothing without you 
A fucking waste of space
Why am I alive
I want it all to stop

Sunday 19 October 2014

blue, black, fading.

Like last week's beating
Starting to fade
Yet a blue, black outline
Lingers on pale skin

I can feel your hands
Gripping my heart
I want it back
Or do I
Some days I try, I pull
See myself tearing it away from you
Other days, it stays 
Locked in your grasp
And I watch it beating there
Content to have you hold it
Like you have 
For such a long time

One day
You're going to throw it back at me
You'll disgust yourself with the thought
That you ever touched it
And I'm waiting, right here
To catch it
And drop it
And lose it

It feels like its already fading
Just a mark on pale skin
Blue, black, fading
Not the beating, life-sustaining
Centre of warmth that it should be

I'll stare out of that window
Landscape passing in a blur
And it'll no longer rush
At the though of seeing you
It'll no longer pound in anticipation
Or break, at that distance
Growing between us again

No, it will see nothing
But bleak endless nothing
Slipping into grey
And I won't feel anything
Just, empty
And an ache
That fucking ache
It feels sometimes like
That's all I'll ever have
The one constant,
Accompanied by the whispers
On the edges of my mind 

Gaps in my sanity,
An empty void in my chest
And it'll all be gone
Blue, then black, fading
Soon enough.

Thursday 18 September 2014

last, night.

So fast,
Lights a blur
Music thumping
Green light, green light
Car shaking
I'm shaking
But I'm calm

And it occurs to me
A flick of my wrist, and-


Just like that.
I can see it, in my head
Slow motion
A lurch forwards and then
And then darkness.

That'd be it.
No more panic
No more bile
No more bleeding
No more thoughts
No more guilt
No more pain
No more.

I came so close.
Closer than I thought I would.

Don't leave me.

Sunday 14 September 2014

what do i do when the world is empty

Wednesday 10 September 2014

dream, struggling.

It grates against 
The bruised skin on my neck
I see nothing
Feel my breath 
Clouding around my face
Trapped, inside this
Dusty, sweaty sack
Blood roaring in my ears
A force slams into my back
The floor beneath my feet, gone -

And I fall
Air snatched away
A vice clamped around my throat
The rope cuts, and closes
Sack, suffocates, and

I struggle
And struggle
And struggle

Legs flailing,
Wrists bound, fists clenching
And I struggle, still

Threatening to cave
Under immense deprivation
And yet, I linger 
Only seeing darkness
Paralysed between
And I struggle
It won't end
Constantly, dying

I wake, 
My own hands clasped
At my neck
Thumbs pressed inwards
And I wonder,
Why must I always be asleep
Unaware, no control
Not enough motivation
To just, press
And hold
And hold
And fall.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

stuck in my throat.

Nights are the worst.

Hopelessness, so hard to swallow
Despite the alcohol I force down to help
It gets stuck in my throat, it won't leave.

I'd like to say it is has nothing to do with you
But it does.

This isn't meant to be poetry
I can't make this sound right
It is brittle, it grates on my skin
Just as my nails do
When I can't bear to look at myself anymore.

You think I'm a cold, heartless bitch
Maybe you're right,
But not for the reasons you think
Because being apart from you is killing me
Sucking the life from me
I am in so much fucking pain, because
I let you down, and I promised I wouldn't.

Maybe you'll never understand why I did it
You think what you like,
Because each stab in the chest when I remember what I did
I deserve.

But this pain isn't new, it's a friend
Coming back again and again
Since those months when I promised I'd change for you
Stop hurting you
Be enough for you
Only, the pain didn't last this long
Because I could run back into your arms and you'd take me
Now there's nothing left.

I threw myself away, and there's darkness.

I am voiceless.



I can't go back now, won't go back now.
It's all for you, don't you see,
I will always have your best interests at heart

And I know, because of that
I'll never be loved, like you loved me, again.

Wednesday 27 August 2014


A puppet on strings
Limbs, handled by
Your manipulating fingers

Now the strings have been cut
And I'm lying on the floor
Lifeless, with no idea

How to walk again
How to think, act, feel
Because a puppet is nothing

Without it's master to guide it
I was a fool to think
That I was anything else

A piece of stuffed cloth
A painted face, no heartbeat
Lead in my chest

And I let you hold my strings
Pull them this way, that way
I have only myself to blame,

Only me
I am a puppet without strings
And I am pathetic.

Thursday 21 August 2014

stolen slumber.

Why is my mind still

Tick tick ticking

Chewing on these guilt pills
Scratching til my skin bleeds
Trying not to see,
See that shadow in the corner
A plague in my head
Or is it?

Staring at this screen
All night if I have to
Avoiding all that dark space
Yet sleep will keep evading me
Eyes won't rest a second now,
This rhythm needs to stop
Before it builds into a hurricane
Of weeping, shaking, sad again
Not that again.

Leave me, please.
Let me ease into
A dreamless slumber,
No screaming, faded pictures
Twisted faces, scary places
Just, sleep. Peace.
Come back to me.

Wednesday 20 August 2014


There's a rope around my chest
Tied, like a noose
And they are pulling it
Tighter, tighter, tighter
Each breath torn from lungs
The air sucked away
Quicker, quicker
As the pit of my stomach falls away
Tighter, tighter,
Pain building
Bile forced up my throat
Quicker, quicker
Head pounding, heart aching
Limbs failing
Vision fading

Tuesday 19 August 2014


When the steady rhythms of the day 
Come to a halt in the darkness
Silence begins to seep into my mind
Like rising water in a sinking ship

Then the voices shout louder, louder 
Drowning the truth out
Echoing in emptiness
Repeating over and over and over

It's all your fault.
It's all your fault.

Friday 25 July 2014


The trust we had
Turned to pieces of shattered glass
That now shred our attempts
To fit ourselves back together

Maybe, those pieces
Can be smoothed, no longer sharp,
By perseverance, effort, love

Or sharpened by my failings,
My mistakes, my thoughtless actions
That I can't seem to stop
And we'll never be whole again.

Friday 27 June 2014

i keep my thoughts in boxes.

On the back shelf, tucked away
Where I can’t see them
Can’t hear them shuffling
Waiting to spring free
I refuse to open them
Touch them, even think about them

Because then they exist
Then they have to be dealt with
I can’t do that
I’m not strong enough

Not as strong as my aunt
Who lies in a hospital bed, miles away
Pins in her back,
Cancer cells intertwined with her spine
Infused in her bones
A tumour in her knee
Fluid in her lungs

She can’t ignore the pain anymore
Her organs are failing
And she knows it
She’s starting to hallucinate
She’s fading, after two years of battle

They say I’m like her.
I’m nothing like her.

I’ll never be as strong,
As brave or determined
To keep on going
My words are nothing, can do nothing
To describe her courage
And immense love for others
That has kept her heart beating

She’s the strongest woman I’ll know
And she doesn’t deserve
To be kept in a box on a shelf anymore

I need to be strong
But my chest is so heavy
I can’t let this pain out
Or it might tear me apart

How can this happen
It’s not fucking fair
How can someone with so much love
And so much to live for
Be stolen from a world that needs her

You can’t take her, you can’t

I can’t stop crying
It won’t stop hurting
I don’t know when it’ll stop
But at least she’ll be resting somewhere
Free from suffering, at peace
That’s what matters.

Friday 16 May 2014


Can't sleep
Can't sleep
Can't sleep

Heart is ticking
Mind, beating
Veins, pulsing
With life, adrenalin


Boom boom boom
Thought after thought after
Endless noise
My own voice
Marching, drumming
Echoing round and round and

Won't stop
It won't stop
Pace quickens and
Breathing faster and
Palms unclean, sticky, sweaty

Always guilty
Always guilty
Need to fight it
Must control it

Push me that way
Pull me this way,
Someone's shaking my cage

Let me out.

Thursday 8 May 2014


The sky shimmers before me
An ever-moving surface, ripples and
Blades of white and blue
Through the gentle, curving arms
Bark and leaves above
Greening in the sunlight

The rain has passed,
I could move, but
I'm paralysed in place
All sound has gone,
It's peaceful

I wonder how cool and 
Quieter still, beneath the surface
It could be,
I wonder, if I never moved
From this spot again

No one would notice
Until darkness later
But the voices would fade,
My heart would stop hammering
In my chest, the pain would calm
I'd stop shaking,
Tears would never fall again
All the worry, the weight
Would cease to be
It'd melt into the ground
Through my feet, cementing me in place
Rooted, but free
The breeze again my skin, stone white
Mind encased, words faltering
Preventing me from causing anyone
Any hurt again.

Silence in my head and heart
I'd fall quietly from the world
It'd be a far better place
If I stayed here in this place.


I have never been more disgusted
At myself, my very being
I want to rip all of my skin off
Tear every strand of hair from everything
I am loathsome

I try so hard to be a good person
Maybe thats because, really
If I'm honest with myself
I'm the shittest excuse of a person
That ever lived.

I don't deserve, anything
I'm a disgrace.

Saturday 3 May 2014

half a wordsmith.

Frozen by inadequacy,
I can't move.
Don't think I deserve to.

Words like knives
Fall from my mouth
They hurt her, and 
I can't seem to stop them

A person like that
Should be broken in two
The sincerity of my apology
Lost because,
I've uttered it so many times
Yet I can't seem to stop them

I don't deserve her,
I should be locked in a room
Alone, so that my words
Can only hurt me
As they do now

I use to pride myself
On being a wordsmith,
A lover of the written and spoken
But I am a sham, a waste
How can I be anything worth
When my words carve hatred,
Breed hostility, mean nothing anymore

I don't deserve her.
I never wanted to hurt her.
I should go.

Sunday 27 April 2014

take me back.

Three hours, and
Already I can't breathe
The walls are closing in, closing in
Sun is setting, or is it
Shutting down
It feels like I never left
Yet I know that the better world
Is out there somewhere,
Out of my reach for now
Head down, head down
Get it done, get on with it
Not long to go
I can't believe you anymore
Doors slamming, people cramming
All that useless information
Into tired heads
Time is endless,
This room, so small
Lack of air, choking me
Soaking me in hopelessness
I don't want to be here,
Take me back.

Monday 3 March 2014


You're leaning against the railings
On the roof of a building
The wind cuts at your skin
You can see for miles
The sky doesn't seem as far away
As the ground does now

The ground, down below
You look, and curious for more
You search to see where the building 
Meets the earth
Further, you push yourself
Head angled, hands gripping steel
When that momentum propels you
A little further than you intended-

For a split second you're already falling
And nauseating pain
A fishing hook dragged 
Up and through your diaphragm
And into your mouth
Soundlessly screaming-

Then you right yourself
Pull your body away from the edge
Head flings back
And your feet never felt 
So firmly planted
Swallow the bile, the fear
Racing heart slows
You'll survive another day.

That feeling, that choking inevitable
Screeching nausea
As you tilt over into open space
Is constant these days
I see over the edge
I'm too close
I can hear the blood 
Roaring in my ears, pressure building
The sky is upturning
One more push
And I'll start falling
Failure, then there's no going back
I'm so close.

Saturday 1 March 2014

air supply.

Fingers close around my throat
Thumbs press on my larynx
Tightens grasp
And the air leaves me
I exist in a world without function
Sparks dance in my eyes
And my brain hungers 
Starved of life
Throat is parched, dry
Chest paralysed
I feel it caving in
Against its will
No consent for this
Blood, ceases
The flow is cut
No spluttering,
I long for stillness, for
A stop.

And it rushes back
Life resumes
Body rises
I drink it in
The sweetness of it
Cool and clear
And cleansing
Purging my body of
Piling toxins 
Heart pumps vivaciously
Rhythm restored
Lesson learnt.

not good enough.

Doesn't try hard enough

Under achieving
No motivation
Lacks common sense

A disgrace
Stutters her words
Doesn't deserve

Doesn't fit
Will never fit

Not capable
Waste of space.

Piece by truthful piece
They form her
Each word a brick
In her crumbling wall of
Self worth.

Monday 10 February 2014


I'm walking on ice
Sheet ice,
Thin as card
Every step, and a crack
Echoes across the surface
The inky black below,
I can see breathing
Wisps of me
In front of my face
Limited, they disappear
As if they never existed
Naked, shaking
The cold bites at my skin
I'd call out
You're by the shore, somewhere
Safe on solid ground
There's comfort in that
But you're moving too far away
And I'm panicking
And my steps are heavier
Every breath, quicker
And I'm scared
More so, than the
That you won't reach
And help me
Why should you,
I'm the one who's
Thrown myself across
To this place
Sharp, the ice edges closer
It's cutting me
Blood spreads, like
Thick butter
And I'm drowning
And I can't see you

Saturday 8 February 2014

holding on.

I feel as though
on a knife edge

that scathing blade
lying, passive

waiting for
that one raging
silent night

when thoughts
boil over into despair
and the phone is too

far to


I'm holding my breath
and my lungs
are slowly aching
with building pressure
can't be sated

until the pain has
carved its way through my skin

I need to release these words
refresh the page
refresh the page
waiting lists aren't
for the impatient

I can't hold on much longer
I'm drowning in guilt

stop with the pity party,
she says
but is it still a party
if its all in my head?

Sunday 26 January 2014

your eyes.

Writing words, legibile sentences
About a person's eyes
Can be hard
They can be closed, shut off
Dark and dull
Colourless, abandoned
There's no soul to seek there

But your eyes

One gaze, and too many words
I'm lost in them
That warm amber glow that absorbs
My entire attention
Your eyes are the beautiful, 
Unflinching cores onto which I hold
When everything else around us
Tilts a little
Windows into your soul -
Deep, endless oceans 
That I fall into, willingly, 
Rejecting gravity
As I fall more in love with you every day

Monday 20 January 2014

family hands.

The tones of her voice
Thick as chords
Intertwining, into the rope
That pulls us all together
Upright, loud and clear
Like a butter knife
She moulds the tension 
Into laughter, memories
Sustained by sincere, gentle
Family hands

Limbs thwarted by 
The selfish poison
Organ after organ
Swiping them aside
Spine carved over
Now she can only look down
Thick blood, congealed
Giving up, sticking to her veins
Breath recoiling, preferring 
The air clean outside her lungs
The flame is failing
Composure, flailing 
What else is left

Was there no other decayed soul
To choose from
That you had to pick the purest
From your hat of gold
Not laughing now
Memories stained
By withered hands
It won't stop raining 
Fading plans
You've done it now
The world can't keep turning
Love is burning
The weak won't rise again.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

second day back and you're already crying
what a stupid cunt you are
can't deal with anything
insecure and worthless
you don't deserve to be here
you don't even want to be here
you're a piece of shit
no wonder she doesn't want to talk to you
no wonder they've all fucking gone
why so surprised
when you get kicked around
that's all you are
the fattest person in there
careful, you'll break the mirror
a shitty excuse for a person
you're not good enough for her,
good enough for anyone
he made you to be alone
you were born to be alone
everyone else knows it
so just leave
go away
so you can't hurt people anymore

Thursday 9 January 2014

missing out.

I feel like I'm not living enough
And yet
I don't know what living is
How I'm supposed to do it
To make the right choice
Do the wrong thing, and laugh about it later
I keep getting it the wrong way round
All those photos
Smiling dancing drinking
Being happy
Should I be in them?

And I don't know what to do
I don't know how to act
I don't know who to be

I keep tripping up and
Missing out and
I can't keep in time
With the rest of them

Someone point me in the direction
Of the right decade,
The identity shop
Because mine doesn't fit right.